How to Find the Optimal Height for Installing an Air Ionizer

When it comes to installing an air ionizer, it is essential to find the right height for optimal performance. We suggest raising it no more than 5 feet above the ground, and this can be done by placing the air purifier on a piece of furniture, such as a dresser. This allows the air purifier to clean the air in the room without interference from hallways or other rooms. But make sure to find a safe spot so your air purifier friend doesn't get hurt.

Your air purifier doesn't like being in extremely hot areas any more than you do. This configuration makes it unlikely that objects will block the flow of ionized air and is a great solution if workstation space is limited. In the past, whole-room ionizers were thought of as one of the most optimal solutions for solving ESD, but lately, more and more operators are choosing to use localized solutions, since, in general, only a fraction of the space needs to be ionized. You should also keep the air purifier away from other areas with humidity, such as a bathroom full of steam, as the filters inside an air purifier can absorb moisture and, therefore, reduce its lifespan. Since air will flow wherever there is an opening, the air purifier will attempt to draw outside air if the doors are not fully closed. Wherever you decide to place your air purifier, it is important to make sure that it is at an optimal height for maximum efficiency.

We recommend raising it no more than 5 feet above the ground and placing it on a piece of furniture such as a dresser. This will help ensure that objects do not block the flow of ionized air and that your air purifier does not get too hot. Additionally, you should keep your air purifier away from areas with high humidity such as bathrooms. Finally, be sure to use your air purifier daily so that your home stays clean and healthy. With proper installation and regular use, your air purifier will help keep your home free from pollutants and allergens.