Are Ionizers Safe to Breathe? A Comprehensive Guide to Understand the Risks and Alternatives

Ionizers have become increasingly popular air purifiers, but questions remain about their safety. Coronal discharge is an electrical discharge caused by the ionization of a fluid, such as air, surrounding a conductor that is electrically charged. Inhaling ozone poses serious health risks to humans and animals, and can aggravate allergies and asthma. This fact sheet analyzes these health risks and provides effective alternative solutions to address indoor air quality problems. Negative ions can positively affect humans, animals and the environment by creating oases of clean air.

However, ionic air filters are not always benign. When released into indoor air and inhaled, ozone is a powerful lung irritant. Some devices advertised as air purifiers purposely emit large amounts of ozone, the main component of smog. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) recommends not using ozone generators, except for approved industrial purposes that avoid harmful exposure to ozone. Air ionizers are generally safe because they don't have enough energy to be harmful.

Ozone is very harmful, so it is important to install an ionizer that complies with the UL 2998 standard, which states that this product does not produce ozone. The negatively charged ions produced by air ionizers are not harmful and will attract and bind to the positively charged particles in the room. The safest option would be to avoid any air purifier with an ionizer of any type or that alters air chemistry in any way. If you have to buy an air purifier with ionizing technology, it is essential that you consult the manufacturer's website for information on whether the device produces ozone or not, or if they are trying to reduce ozone production. Would an ionized air filter be useful or harmful for a person with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)? It depends on the individual's condition and the type of filter used. If the filter produces ozone, it could worsen IPF symptoms.

It is best to consult a doctor before using an ionized air filter. In conclusion, it is important to understand the potential risks associated with using an ionizer in your home or office. While some people may benefit from using an ionizer, it is important to be aware of the potential health risks associated with inhaling ozone. Additionally, it is important to consult a doctor before using an ionized air filter if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.